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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Editor's desk: #TM13

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Editor's desk: #TM13

Last week was a whirlwind. We're in full on prep mode for #TM13 in New York City and that meant crushing it for endless hours every day. On the plus side, and it's a huge plus side, I got to crush it not only with the likes of Kevin Michaluk, Phil Nickinson, and Daniel Rubino, but with iMore's own Georgia and Peter Cohen, Mobile Nations luminaries like Marcus Adolfsson, Derek Kessler, Alex Dobie, Ashley Esqueda, David Lundblad, and Jose Negron, the always awesome Martin Reisch and -- oh yeah -- Cali Lewis and John P. of as well.

We've been doing a lot of teasing about #TM13 on Twitter, Google+, YouTube, and more, but for anyone who's been on this walk for us for a while, it should be fairly obvious where's we've been and where we're going. Back when we were still Smartphone Experts, we did the Round Robin for 3 years in a row. When Microsoft and BlackBerry got left behind for a while, it made that impossible to continue in a meaningful way. Now that Windows Phone and BlackBerry 10 have launched, everyone is firing on all cylinders again, and that makes things interesting.

We're Mobile Nations now, however, and that means the old Round Robin has to give way to give way to something equally newer, better, and bolder.

Enter #TM13.

I don't want to oversell it. It's going to be a blast, and it's going to benefit all of the Mobile Nations communities in a lot of subtle yet cool ways for a long time to come, but we're not HALO dropping Phil with a pair of glasses on, or shooting Kevin out of a canon in Times Square to see how many characters he can type on a QWERTY before splat-down, or anything stunty like that. Now I did get hung off the roof of a 50 floor building, but the intent here isn't shock and awe. It's what Mobile Nations always does -- entertain, inform, and engage our awesome community.

Speaking of which, Georgia, Martin, and I managed to knock this little video out at the Grand Central Apple Store. They have a rule that you can't use a tripod or monopod, so Martin had to shoot hand-held and we had to stabilize in Final Cut Pro X, which led to some background warp. I like to think it's just rocking out to the iMore theme though. (And by the way, if you haven't subscribed to the iMore YouTube channel yet, do that ASAP -- we've got some great stuff coming your way over the next few weeks...)

I'll be in NYC for another week, but Peter starts full time tomorrow, so look for much more from both of us, and the whole team, as the week goes on.

After that, it's full speed ahead to WWDC 2013 and what I hope is the first look at iOS 7 and OS X 10.9. It's been a long, long, LONG, time since an Apple exec stepped out on the Keynote stage. Any guesses what they have in store for us?

Rene Ritchie

Editor-in-Chief of iMore, co-host of Iterate, Debug, ZEN and TECH, MacBreak Weekly. Cook, grappler, photon wrangler. Follow him on Twitter,, Google+.

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More of: tm13, Editors Desk ? PreviouslyApple declines to fix vulnerability in Safari's Web Archive files, likely because it requires user action to exploit Next up ?Verizon BlackBerry Z10 ad running as pre-roll on Apple's iPhone 5 YouTube video There are 22 comments. Add yours. SockRolid says: Apr 28, 2013 at 2:30 pm - 2 days ago

TM what?

Reply brunetmj says: Apr 28, 2013 at 2:34 pm - 2 days ago

Having all the platform banners flying under one roof gives mobile nations a unique opp. I'm finding that many sites and writers are still too biased. As platforms become more mature its even more important for folks to be able to see the good and bad of all choices more easily. I hoped there would be a mobile nations app that users can easily and accurately see these pros and cons. Think you folks are headed in the right direction. Keep up the great work.

Reply SockRolid says: Apr 28, 2013 at 3:32 pm - 2 days ago

On the other hand, trying to keep everybody happy all the time leads to watered-down writing. By editors afraid to alienate any of the techno-fan factions visiting the site. Because Page ranking is everything.

Reply pinpoint007 says: Apr 28, 2013 at 8:50 pm - 2 days ago

Why is Rene always posting self indulgent photos of himself in these posts?

Reply linkgx1 says: Apr 28, 2013 at 8:58 pm - 2 days ago

This is making me lol so hard right now. It's true it's true!

Reply draztikrhymez says: Apr 28, 2013 at 9:08 pm - 2 days ago

Lol they're always cracking me up

Reply Richard Devine says: Apr 28, 2013 at 11:36 pm - 2 days ago

Er, because it's an editors desk post, and he's the editor?
The other EIC's post pictures of themselves too, you know.

Reply pinpoint007 says: Apr 29, 2013 at 8:50 am - 1 day ago

I don't read a lot of other sites so i don't know if most editors do the same, but it's the poses! In one a while back he was standing there like he's superman or something.
In any case, I like the site and I like his articles and the iMore show. But when I first saw these pics of himself I thought it was a joke.

Reply Rene Ritchie says: Apr 29, 2013 at 9:21 am - 1 day ago

It absolutely was a joke. God, you guys are so damn disappointing right now!

Please take some geek pills and nerd-up already!

Reply pinpoint007 says: Apr 29, 2013 at 9:38 am - 1 day ago

Haha, sure! Point taken!

Reply ermax18 says: Apr 29, 2013 at 8:40 am - 1 day ago

I was thinking the same. Narcissist comes to mind every time I see his pics.

Reply Rene Ritchie says: Apr 29, 2013 at 9:19 am - 1 day ago

It's an editor's desk post; those always have pictures of the editors. They're supposed to be fun -- making us look a little silly if nothing else.

They're not meant to be taken seriously, and we certainly don't take them seriously.

If you think they're self-indulgent, I apologize. The original goal was to be human. We're all people, but bylines and userids don't really express that. It's why we added avatars to comments as well.

When we remember we're all human, we're less likely to be jerks. When our real names and faces are there, we have nowhere to hide and we can just be real.

Hopefully that's not completely lost.

Reply safesolvent says: Apr 29, 2013 at 4:55 pm - 1 day ago

I'd be curious what you think of my selfportraits!

Reply Peter000 says: Apr 28, 2013 at 9:14 pm - 2 days ago

TM who?

It's great that you're excited about it, but you don't ever say what TM13 is.

Reply west3man says: Apr 29, 2013 at 8:59 am - 1 day ago


Reply Plasmanut says: Apr 29, 2013 at 1:37 pm - 1 day ago

Yeah, count me in as a "disliker" of the self glamour shots. Love the site and insight Rene, but the pics have to stop.

There's almost a little too much photographic work at play (composition, depth, lighting, etc.) for them to be "jokes" in my humble opinion. If they're meant to be humorous, maybe it's important to know some of us feel awkward about them.

Think of us as the real friends who don't mind telling a buddy that his fly is down... or something like that...

Reply Georgia says: Apr 29, 2013 at 3:12 pm - 1 day ago

They are made to be fun epic and silly. Rene is probably the sweetest most none self indulgent person on the planet. Try not to take them so seriously. Me on the other hand.... Careful or my next one ill be dressed up like the Statue of Liberty.


Reply safesolvent says: Apr 29, 2013 at 4:49 pm - 1 day ago

i'm not one to chime in and defend my photography just because someone doesn't like it but i really am surprised at the reaction!

I love epic photos and when you get to be on the roof of a penthouse midtown Manhattan hotel and the editor-in-chief is being filmed, you don't take a crappy picture and try to downplay the moment.

I thought i'd get Rene to pose like his favorite comic-book / superhero movie favourites both because he's such a fan and because we're both huge comicbook GEEKS.

I'm a photogeek, i think we're all here cause we are obsessed with what we love.

Anyhow. Everyone's entitled to their opinion i just wasn't expecting so many people to think of these as self-glamour instead of "oh man that's a great comic-book homage photo.

Reply Rene Ritchie says: Apr 29, 2013 at 2:12 pm - 1 day ago

So here's the deal: We're always going to have pictures of the editors in columns like "editor's desk", and if we're going to have photos, we're going to try and make them as awesome -- be it awesomely cool, silly, scary, or nuts -- as possible.

We're not half-assing anything on iMore -- and yeah, that includes the sound issues we've been struggling with on the podcasts.

For that particular picture, we had some world-class photographers up on a roof in NYC, I was ip there with them, Martin yelled out -- DO THE STANCE (his trademark pose) so I did it in fun, he snapped the pic in fun, and we posted it in fun.

I see pictures of people on the internet every day, multiple times a day, and I've never felt the need to comment on them other than when I felt something was amazing and I wanted to tell them it was amazing. Maybe I'm an optimist or overly positive, but I can't imagine a single situation where I'd want to criticize the way a person looks, or the work that they do when they put themself out there.

I'm fairly shy by nature and having myself in pictures -- or on video for that matter -- isn't my first, favorite choice. It's something I struggle to do and have to work hard at.

I do appreciate the feedback, and I'll certainly try to do it better -- and always better -- in the future.

Other than that, I'm kinda stuck and don't know what to say. On CrackBerry and Android Central, I can't recall anyone taking issue with Kevin or Phil's photos. Maybe I'm not as photogenic, or maybe our audience is fundamentally different.

I don't know.

We want to make sure these sites are human, and I guess the kind of feedback we're getting here -- I'm getting here -- is human.

So thanks everyone.

Reply pinpoint007 says: Apr 29, 2013 at 7:40 pm - 1 day ago

Hi Rene, sorry my comment started off this whole thread about the photos and detracted from your original post! Also, I didn't mean for it to come off so harshly. Its just for me (since I just started reading iMore relatively recently and since I don't know you) the photos came off a little...odd to me. But now that I see where you're coming from, I totally get it.

Reply SockRolid says: Apr 29, 2013 at 8:49 pm - 1 day ago

The photos are great IMHO. Martin's photos are superb.
Don't worry about it.

Reply GlennRuss says: Apr 29, 2013 at 5:51 pm - 1 day ago

If you search editor desk pictures images, There are several pictures of Rene in various poses. As I looked at all the other pictures, I would say 85% were on the humor side. So iMore must be on tract, or doing something right. In fact, I would say Rene is holding back compared to most of the pictures. Georgia, go for it, a Red Head Statute of Liberty. Keep it up, you are in great company with all the other pictures. If you have a serious picture, and write with your sentence structure flowing very well, and fairly on an even keel, you can write about anything, and people will believe you. I mean you could write about the merits of holding a beer bottle, as opposed to a beer can, and go on, and on, and people will believe you know what you are talking about. That was a dumb article, but hey his picture is really serious, so he got me thinking about bottle, or can.
Keep up the great work iMore, sometimes we get a little crazy with our comments, but that is what really makes this the best on the net.

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